TRANSPORTATION: Arrival and Departure
Registered Bus Riders:
Check in is from 1:00 – 2:00 pm. The bus loads at 2:15 p.m. and will leave from RiverStone Church (2005 Stilesboro Rd. Kennesaw, GA 30152) at 2:30 p.m. SHARP, Sunday, June 29th.
** One Suitcase, one sleeping bag and one pillow - LABEL EVERYTHING with full name, gender, and rising grade**
Make sure your student has eaten or brings their lunch to eat at the church (before loading the bus).
Due to lines please stagger student drop as follows:
1:00-1:20 Last names A-F
1:20-1:40 Last names G-M
1:40-2:00 Last names N-Z
We are scheduled to load up at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, July 4th, for the return trip home. Please meet the bus at the Riverstone parking lot at 12:45 p.m. (The bus will not stop for lunch.) **Everything must be labeled and fit in one suitcase!**
Check in Procedure For Bus Riders:
All check-in will be done at Riverstone Church prior to boarding the buses.
Make sure EVERYTHING you bring has a name tag: ** One Suitcase, one sleeping bag and one pillow**
Students will mark all their belongings with tape that they will write their names on at the check in table.
Report all medical conditions or issues with the nurse at RiverStone during check-in. This will give us a chance to meet you and discuss any questions we may have. We can only accept medications in a pharmacy produced and labeled bottle. In addition, sending only the number of meds your camper will need administered for the week is very helpful.
Car Riders:
!!!!NEW TIME!!!!! Plan to arrive at the camp between 3 p.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday, June 29th for curbside check in at the gate. You will need to wait at the gate until 3:00pm. Please do not arrive with campers any earlier.
720 FFA FHA Camp Rd, Covington, GA 30014
Anyone arriving in a car after 4:00pm will need to come to the NAC for check in (at the top of the hill).
**Note, if you have not departed camp by 3:55 you could get blocked in by the buses until 4:30.**
Camp closes at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, July 4th. Parents should arrive before 11:30 a.m. on July 5th if the camper is not riding the bus home.
**Rising college students may drive to camp but they are to leave car keys with their cabin leaders upon arrival to camp. No other students may drive to camp.
Check In Procedure for Car Riders:
Upon arrival to camp (between 3 and 4 PM), expect a line on the camp road. We will be doing curbside check-in at the gate again this year and then you will drive straight to cabins for drop off. Please be patient!
Report all medical conditions or issues with the nurse. This will give us a chance to meet you and discuss any questions we may have. We can only accept medications in a pharmacy produced and labeled bottle. In addition, sending only the number of meds your camper will need administered for the week is very helpful.
DIRECTIONS TO CAMP - Address: 720 FFA FHA Camp Rd. Covington, GA 30014
Take I-75 South to I-20 East. Go east on I-20 to Exit #93. Exit and turn right onto SR 142. (There is a Wal-Mart on your right … one of the last good stops for items you may have forgotten!) Travel approximately one mile and cross over US 278 at the old Wal-Mart. Continue another 2.5 miles on SR 142 toward SR 36. (McDonald’s and CVS will be on your left as you approach SR 36.) Turn left and go approximately 9 miles on SR 36 to the Georgia FFA-FCCLA camp entrance on the left (easily identifiable by the small Guard House and large entrance sign.) Continue on entrance road approximately one mile. YOU HAVE ARRIVED!